Where Art and Science Collide


Proposed WIC Art Projects: (Artist Completion Dates)
K-12 Dino Walk/Foot Print Art Competition
Attack of a Rogue Meteor Animated Video
Meteor Event Sequence Outdoor Murals
Cretaceous Life & Crater Juried Art Competition Due (2D & 3D)
Alabama Dino & Meteor Sculptures
Artist Painted Crater Art Benches
Crater Water Feature: Structure & Crater Topography High Relief Sculpture
Crater Water Feature: Cretaceous marine life bas relief ceramic tiles

Dr. David King
Crater Research & Findings Lecture
Feb 22, 2024, 6:30P
Wetumpka Civic Center

Monthly Crater Talks
124 Company Street
Wetumpka, Alabama 36092
We're looking forward to seeing you at our events!
Our projects & events depict aspects of Cretaceous Natural History, the Wetumpka Impact Event and resulting Wetumpka Impact Crater; illustrating Cretaceous life and what happened 85 million years ago. Our goal is to make the art and science of Cretaceous Alabama & the Wetumpka Meteor Impact more accessible to a wider public. With the creation of unique and period correct visual art, landscape, graphic designs, illustrations, sculptures and technology by Alabama artists, we want to invite visitors of all backgrounds to join us for a fascinating immersive and educational journey into the past while exploring the relationship between the resulting Cretaceous crater and the effects to climate, land, plants, animals and the world today.